News (-) MUTE File Sharing version 0.5.1 has been released. This is a bugfix release that deals with startup connectivity issues. If you've been having trouble connecting to the MUTE network with version 0.5, you should upgrade. For a complete list of changes, see the change log. (-) MWebCache 0.1.2 has been released. Everyone running a 0.1.1 web cache should upgrade. This release adds some additional checks to block Gnutella nodes from our MUTE-only caches. Download it here. [Older News] |
Current list of host caches (updated June 29, 2010) Edit your MUTE/settings/webHostCaches.ini file to have these caches in it (if you are using MUTE 0.5.1 or later, the latest list should be fetched automatically each time MUTE runs): You can also run your own host cache. |
Various External Links and Services Tobias Hansen has set up a MUTE forum and information page: --- #mute-net People are discussing MUTE via Invisible IRC: #mute [Website] [Forum] |